Five Ways to Keep Your Lungs Healthy


Breathing and respiration are vital body functions critical in keeping us alive. Oxygen is our primary source of energy which reaches the rest of our body through our lungs. Our lungs function without any voluntary control, working tirelessly to ensure adequate oxygenation of our cells. That is why ensuring our lungs are healthy and well is essential.

Protecting and maintaining good lung function is crucial to living a healthier life. Like all other organs, the lungs can also become less flexible and lose effectiveness with time and increasing age. However, by adopting certain habits and lifestyle modifications, you can keep the lungs working at optimum levels even when you’re old. Discussed below are some critical factors you must keep in mind to ensure that your lungs remain healthy even in old age.

1.Avoiding outdoor pollutants   

Pollution is a global health hazard, negatively impacting all biological beings equally. Pollutants in the air are a significant health risk, adversely affecting the typical lung structure and function. As a result, an individual becomes prone to developing breathing problems.

One such pollutant in the air is asbestos. Asbestos fibers are airborne and lodge in the lungs upon inhalation. A person is exposed to these fibers, particularly in areas surrounding construction sites or around industries. Once in the lungs, these fibers cause scarring and inflammation. Continuous exposure to asbestos significantly worsens lung damage, resulting in malignant mesothelioma, a lung tumor. It is a debilitating disease that dramatically reduces life expectancy.

The lungs lose the ability to fight these toxins in the air, becoming less and less resistant. Exposure to such pollutants through the air also speeds up the body’s aging process, making the lungs less efficient. As a consequence, our lungs become prone to developing infections and diseases.

One of the ways to protect the lung from damage is by limiting exposure to pollutants. Regularly monitoring the air quality index and staying indoors when it is unfavorable can help limit exposure to contaminants. Additionally, measures such as exercising indoors may also prove worthwhile. Installing air purifiers or ensuring proper ventilation can limit exposure to harmful fumes.

2.Quit smoking   

Smoking can destroy air passage’ lining by altering the respiratory tract’s standard structure. As a result, the air passages become narrow, making it difficult for the air to pass through and reach the lung. Persistent exposure to cigarette smoke makes the lung more prone to inflammation, which can cause severe airway diseases like chronic bronchitis. Long-term cigarette smoking is a known risk factor for causing changes in the cellular structure of these respiratory passages, resulting in tumor growth. With each puff of a cigarette, you allow several hazardous chemicals to enter your lungs, including nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide. These toxic chemicals make it difficult for the lungs to clean themselves.

Smoking can reverse the minor changes in your lungs regardless of age. Within a few months of quitting smoking, your risk of developing heart and lung diseases reduces dramatically. Though quitting smoking often demands severe restraint and several attempts, medical assistance is now readily available to make the process relatively easier.


Regular exercise positively impacts almost all body functions, from maintaining good physical health to improved cardiovascular and pulmonary health. Physical exercise is perhaps the best thing you can do to support lung health.

While exercising, there is a strain on your muscles, enabling them to work more. As a result, the heart beats faster to pump adequate amounts of blood to your working muscles. The blood provides muscles with the oxygen they require. Oxygen is absorbed into the blood through air sacs in your lungs. Through exercise, your lungs work harder and keep them in good shape. The harder you exercise, the more efficient your lung function becomes. 

Developing healthier lungs can help them resist infection and prevent disease. Simple exercises, such as a few minutes of brisk walking or a game of tennis, can significantly improve your lung health.

Prevent Infection

As you age, persistent infections can significantly damage your lungs. Individuals with pre-existing lung conditions, such as asthma, are more prone to develop serious lung pathologies following an illness. In some instances, mild respiratory tract infections can cause significant mortality in patients suffering from longstanding chronic lung disease.

Avoiding infections is the easiest and most preferred way to shield yourself from disease and ensure healthier lungs. You can limit exposure to pathogens by following a proper and hygienic standard of living. Good handwashing habits using warm water and soap can limit pathogens from entering your body with food touched by contaminated hands.

Another simple way of protecting yourself from a severe infection is by ensuring that your body is well equipped to ward off any disease. Drinking sufficient amounts of water and providing a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help boost your immunity. Utilizing equipment such as an air purifier in your home can ensure that the air you breathe is free of all airborne infectious particles, including viruses and fungi. Through these measures, you can limit the penetration of harmful pathogens which may otherwise inflame and infect your lungs.

5.Regular checkups and vaccinations   

Routine health screening practices are essential in ensuring that your body is healthy. It can help prevent disease through early detection and timely treatment. Regular checkups are an excellent way to diagnose an illness before anything becomes a more severe and possibly life-threatening disease.

Through regular checkups, healthcare professionals ensure you are vaccinated against diseases prevalent in your area. Getting immunized against infections such as influenza, pneumonia, or covid-19 can help limit the severity of the illness should you ever be infected by one. Vaccinations ensure you are well equipped to fight infections and thereby hugely limit the onset of lethal diseases.


Life is a blessing, and to live it to its fullest, taking timely measures is of utmost importance. Breathing is what keeps us alive. What better way to ensure a good life than ensuring that our vital organs are healthy and well? Measures like regular exercise, avoiding smoking and pollutant exposure, seeking healthcare assistance, and ensuring proper hygiene, ensure good lung function and positively impact all your body’s vital functions. Incorporating these habits into your life can significantly improve your lung health.

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